Netizens love this stylist not just for his handsomeness but how good he styles his idols

Attention towards this popular stylist has become a hot topic due to his good looks and his excellent fashion taste when styling the idol group he is in charge of.

Stylists have the important job of making their charges look stylish for events, or even when going out in public in general. When celebrities don’t look to par (and if it happens consistently so), stylists will be called their antis by netizens.

In a Pann discussion thread published on October 2nd and titled “This Really Good Idol Group Coordi,” the netizen posts a photo of the BTS‘s coordinator before showing examples of his stylish senses shown through the group’s wear.

Find out what Netizens had to say about this article below!

“This is BTS’s coordi, Kim Seong Hyun. To be more precise, he’s the visual director!”


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Source: Pann

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