Are these Instagram posts by Koreans crossing the line?

Netizens claim that these Instagram posts are just too much to handle

Instagram and other SNS accounts are used to express people’s opinions and to share moments of their lives. But which posts are just too much and crossing the line?

Originally posted on Pann, netizens discuss these posts made by Korean users are just too much for Instagram.

Titled “I Didn’t Know Such Humans Exists; Crazy,” here is the direct translation of the post and comments below.

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[ +173 / 0] Crazy… I bet in the future people will hashtag funerals on their Instagram and saying #funeral #grandma #GetToABetterPlace #Iloveyou #Facestagram #Funeralstagram right?

“I was curious so I decided to search hashtag funeral on Instagram.

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#Funeal, long time since I wore a #suit Focused out #eyes #TiredStagram

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Rest in peace~ #funeral #graveyard #yard #brandstagram #sellingbrands #IntroduceBrandSellers #FixingBrands #GaonNoori #LuxuryBrandGaonNuri #Daily


Ha… What is this…. ^^

He goes to the bathroom during a funeral and take a selfie saying #funeral …. tired #Tiredstagram.. Does this make sense….?

If you look at the hashtags in the second photo hahahahaahahaa Disgusting… How can you advertise your company when someone has passed away..?

This is a serious matter on SNS.”

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Koreaboo has collected reactions from Netizens who commented on the original article from our Korean source. The below comments are the most popular comments at the time of this article being published.

[ +44 / 0] Someone is looking for followers when their grandma passed away


Translation: “My heart… is feeling unsettle… I hope she goes to a good place.. #selfiestagram #grandma #funeral #familymembers #pain #feelingsorry #tears #follow4follow #followfirst #welcomesfollows

Source: Pann

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