G.NA transforms into a bride for “InStyle” Wedding magazine

G.NA reveals her stunning appearance as InStyle releases three photos that showcase her posing in beautiful long gowns for InStyle Wedding magazine.

In the first photo, G.NA is shown in a classic long and sequenced gold dress while accessorized with a chunky bracelet and earrings. As another photo was revealed, G.NA was clothed in a grey long dress while posing in front of windows which made light shine through, creating a beautiful background. The singer was last seen in a peach-toned dress while leaning on a chair as she posed while her hand was gently against her cheeks.

Meanwhile, after the success of boy group Big Byung, Defconn and Hyungdon, it has been reported that G.NA will be taking on the role as the leader of a new and special girl group which will include additional female artists such as 4minute’s Kwon Sohyun, After School’s Lizzy and KARA’s newest member, Heo Youngji.

#지나 #인스타일웨딩 아름다운 여신으로 변신한 지나의 화보 공개!

Posted by G.NA on Tuesday, December 30, 2014

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