This Korean Dad Joke Is So Bad IT’s Actually Hilarious

His granddaughter lands the role of a bunny in the school play and her mother ends up losing the snout part of the costume. So they decide to make do..


Grandpa: What does she need to bring with her?

Mom: Her hair band
Mom: I think I lost the nose part

Grandpa: Where is it?

Mom: Draw some mustache  on her
Mom: And make sure she brings the white overall and pink stockings

Grandpa: You made mustache too?

Mom: Nono
Mom: Can you draw it with some make up pencils?

A young girl in a bunny get up and all he has to draw are the hairs near the nose….and…


Mom: ㅠㅠ Not a mustache like that! ㅜㅜ
Mom: You should have drawn it on the side…

I guess the school play is going to have a very manly bunny in its play LOL

3 Dad Joke Level = OVER 9000!!!!

Source: Clien

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