This Man Lies In A Grave With His Daughter Everyday, Their Story Will Break Your Heart

A Chinese father prepares his critically ill daughter for her death by lying in her future grave everyday.

Zhang Xinlei is a two year old toddler who was born with a critical blood disorder.

Her father, Zhang Liyong, tried to save her by spending all of his savings on her treatments.

After spending over $14,751 USD (100,000 Chinese Yuan), Mr. Zhang has run out of money, and his minimal farmer’s wage is not enough.

“We borrowed money from many people, but no one is willing to lend us more.”

— Zhang Liyong

They even got pregnant again to save Xinlei with the baby’s umbilical cord blood, but they realized they can’t even afford the transplant.

With no other options left, Zhang Liyong turned his focus into helping his daughter feel comfortable with her death.

“I could only come up with the idea to bring her to play at [her grave]. This is where she’ll rest in peace, so all I can do is accompany her here everyday.”

— Zhang Liyong

Xinlei’s parents lie in her the grave and play with her near the burial site.

They do the best that they can to make sure she doesn’t feel scared when the time comes.

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