What Hong Kong Students Drew On Their Chalkboard Is Freakin’ Insane

The only drawback from looking at their beautiful artwork is that you know that the work will someday have to be erased.

Temporary art is a strange medium — so much work and craftsmanship go into a single piece of work only to be simply erased. But that’s also what makes temporary art an enticing one, with its unique qualities.

Illusdreamer is a group of students from Hong Kong who have mastered this medium. They use chalk to create classroom chalkboard size art works and pencils and other tools to create “desk art”.

Their subjects range from classic Hayao Miyazaki characters and scenes to more contemporary Disney ones. And they are detailed to a tee.

This group of students’ talents have been recognized internationally and they have also collaborated with corporate giants like Nike.

The only drawback from looking at their beautiful artwork is that you know that the work will someday have to be erased.

But thanks to Instagram, their past works are still available for view online!


Source: Bored Panda
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