YG Entertainment deletes 2NE1 disbanding + Nam Tae Hyun leaving WINNER announcement

YG Entertainment has deleted the blog post announcing 2ne1’s disbandment and Nam Tae Hyun leaving WINNER.

The dual announcements which shocked the K-Pop industry were both initially revealed on YG Entertainment’s blog, YG-Life. However, it seems that this post has now been completely removed from the agencies website.

There’s no alternative blog post that have been made as a replacement to the deleted post. However, archive.org has a copy of the original post as below.

YG의 공식 입장을 알려드립니다.

안녕하세요. 위너 남태현 군과 2NE1에 관한 YG엔터테인먼트(이하 YG) 공식 입장을 알려드립니다. – 위너 멤버 남태현의 탈퇴에 대하여 올해 활발한 활동을 예고했던 위너는 안타깝게도 멤버인 남태현 군의 심리적 건강 문제로 지난 몇 달간 모든 활동을 중단한 상태였습니다. YG와 나머지 멤버들은 남태현 군의 건강 회복을 최우선적으로 생각하고 호전을 기대해왔습니다.

Nam Tae Hyun, who posted a personal letter to Instagram about the incident has also deleted his post. YG Entertainment has also edited the official WINNER Facebook Page with a photoshopped image of the group, removing Nam Tae Hyun.

Posted by WINNER on Saturday, November 26, 2016

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