Elementary School Student Jumps Off 15th Floor Because She Didn’t Finish Homework, Miraculously Survives

A young child in China jumped off from her 15th floor window because of the pressure she faced from not finishing her homework.

A 6th grader in China attempted to jump off a building to her death because she didn’t finish her homework.


The girl gets into position to jump off…


And plummets 138ft down from the 14th floor.


Fortunately, she landed on an air cushion prepared by the rescuers below.


The girl told firefighters that she was stressed out because she wasn’t able to finish her homework during the holidays.

Comments on Weibo suggested that children these days are under too much academic stress. Others criticized teachers for assigning homework when it’s supposed to be a holiday.


Thankfully, she survived unharmed with only an injury on her ear.


Watch the heroic rescuers save her life below:

Source: NextShark and DailyMail
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