Former MOMOLAND Member Daisy Answers Fans’ Burning Questions On Twitter

Even though she implied she wouldn’t open an account, fans were ecstatic to see she had!

MOMOLAND‘s former member Daisy made fans happy recently when she finally opened a personal Instagram account after the conclusion of her lawsuit with MLD Entertainment.

Daisy | @daisiesforyu/Instagram

After initially saying on her Instagram that Twitter was a scary place, she surprised fans again by opening an account after all and chatting with them!

As fans have been brimming with curiosity ever since Daisy halted activities and left the group, they had plenty of questions to ask, and Daisy was happy to answer many of them!

The questions she answered span a variety of topics, from simple questions like her current favorite choreography and favorite singer…

…to deeper topics, like whether she thinks she’ll ever debut again and what she would change about the idol industry if she could.

She also talked with fans about which songs she should post covers of.

Juiciest of all, she made one claim about idols that has been wondered about often over the years: do idols lurk on Twitter? According to Daisy, the odds are high!

There you have it! We look forward to seeing what else Daisy will share with us on her Twitter, whether it be new song covers or industry insight. We’re sure all her fans are just as excited as we are!

Source: @_daisiesforyu
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