GOT7’s Jackson Is Dead Set On Not Dating In 2018
GOT7‘s Jackson revealed that he will absolutely not be dating in the new year.
The Radio Star hosts recalled that Jackson was eager for JYP’s 3-year dating ban to lift. But now that he’s hitting his 5th year, Jackson reveals he doesn’t have love on his mind.
“I have too many schedules that I can’t even find time to sleep.
Of course, I want to date. But it’s not a joke.”
— Jackson
He said he doesn’t want to focus on dating because he wants to be able to focus on his significant other if he finds that special someone.
“Dating isn’t a joke and you have to be responsible for it.
You need time and freedom but I don’t have that right now.”
— Jackson
The hosts try to share their wisdom by telling him that you can’t put time on love. Cupid may just hit you out of the blue.
But Jackson refused to even consider it.
“Does that happen to you when you’re busy?
I have yet to meet someone who captures my heart like that.”
— Jackson
Instead of committing to love, Jackson is going to be all about GOT7 in 2018!
“I’m definitely not going to date in 2018.
I’m going to make it big with GOT7 this year.”
— Jackson
Despite his seniors trying to talk some sense into him, Jackson refused to change his determination.
“GOT7! JYP! GOT7!”
Here’s to 2018 being the year for GOT7 and Jackson’s wish coming true!🎉