Shindong Updates Fans With New Photos After Drastically Losing Over 37 lbs

It’s only been 2 months.

Back in October, Super Junior‘s Shindong revealed that he was going on a diet to lose over 90 lbs.


After about a month, he revealed that he lost 17 kgs (37.5 lbs)! He revealed photos and videos showing himself looking much thinner than before.

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Now that it’s nearing the 2 month mark, Shindong updated once again with a photo of himself looking as if he lost even more weight drastically!


Shindong is currently half way towards his weight mark, and fans only wish he remains happy and healthy when achieving his goals.

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#신동 #신동의유튜브 #신동댕동 #신동쇼 능력자 분들 감사합니다.
여러분의 도움으로 영상 하나에 자막(번역)이 언어별로 9개나 등록이 되어 있네요.
한국어를 시작으로 중국어,일본어,인도네시아어,영어,아랍어 등등 감사합니다 계속해서 도움 주실꺼죠?? 항상 감사합니다!!^^ 능력자들을 모십니다!^^ Appreciate for your talented help everyone. 9 different language translations are updated for a single clip with your lovely participations Thank you so much for the translations with Chinese, Japanese, English, Indonesian, Arabian and etc Would you be helping us after all, right? Again, big thanks for the consistent support !! And we still welcome the talented participants! ^^ 感谢各位高手们的协助~ 因为有你们的帮忙我们的视频额外的添加了多达9个国家的外文字幕。除了韩语还有中文,日语,印度尼西亚语,英语,阿拉伯语等等… 感谢各位的协助~ 希望以后的视频也会像现在一样持续下去! 你们会继续帮我吧~真心的感谢你们! 希望有更多国家的朋友们帮我完成这个任务~ 欢迎踊跃参与!

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