GOT7’s Jackson Reveals What He Originally Wanted To Be When He Grew Up — And It Fits Him Perfectly

It matches Jackson’s personality!

GOT7‘s Jackson has a caring personality, and he has been praised numerous times for it, such as when he stood up for a fan who got pushed.

In a recent video with GQ, Jackson spoke about what he wanted to be growing up, and it fits him perfectly.

GOT7’s Jackson

When Jackson was asked what he wanted to be when he was a kid, other than a fencer, he said that he wanted to be a “peacemaker.” Specifically, Jackson wanted to be the one who broke up fights between students!

| GQ/YouTube

If a fight would have occurred, Jackson would have broken it up and told the people fighting to shake hands, hug, then be friends!

| GQ/YouTube

Here’s the full video below!


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