Somi Says She Will Start Looking for Her Husband Next Year

Somi will be 20 years old next year!

In an upcoming episode of SBS’s Law of the Jungle, Somi reveals her marriage plans for her upcoming 20s.

On the show, both Somi and Han Hyun Min who are 19 years old in Korean age, opened up about their plans for their future as adults in their 20s.

Han Hyun Min confessed that the dream for any man would be to spend 24 hours a day in the PC room.

On the other hand, Somi surprised everyone with her revelation that she wants to get married.

Jeon Somi shared that she wants to get married at 27, which means that even if she starts looking for her husband at 20, there isn’t enough time.

Despite only being 19 years old, Somi knows what she wants, and she’s going for it!

Source: Insight
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