This Korean High School is a TWICE fan’s dream come true

This Korean high school has ONCEs wanting to transfer there ASAP.

Dongtan Central High School located in Gyeonggi, South Korea has a club dedicated to TWICE. In the club, students stream their favorite music by the girl group, and even jointly buy their merchandise.

All students have to do to enter is to own any TWICE album, have bought every song from their album TWICEcoaster: LANE 2, and finally, anyone hoping to join must have their own TWICE Candy light stick to be part of this club.

As TWICE was voted the most popular group among male high school students, many young men have surely passed these requirements.

As a bonus to entering, for streaming music they get free access to broadcast TWICE videos at 1080p. As for buying merchandise, members pay a lower price for them since they’re buying in bulk.

Seems like a great deal for joining a club where you get these great membership benefits plus being with people who share your love of TWICE!

Check out the club poster here:

The poster for Dongtan Central High School’s TWICE club!
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