SEVENTEEN Has A Second Fandom You Probably Haven’t Heard Of—Here’s All You Need To Know

Even idols are part of the second fandom.

When thinking of SEVENTEEN‘s fandom, you may immediately think of Carats. However, they have a second fandom that you might’ve never heard of and actually makes perfect sense for the group.

SEVENTEEN | @pledis_17/Twitter

While Carats support the group’s music and helped earn SEVENTEEN’s “Million Seller” status not once or twice but five times, the other fandom doesn’t have anything to do with the group’s music at all.

| @pledis_17/Twitter

Their second fandom revolves around their variety show GOING SEVENTEEN. Since the show is so popular, there are viewers who enjoy the show on its own—separate from the group.

Because they’re such casual fans, they’ve set themselves apart from the main fandom by growing into one of their own and even have a name that’s acknowledged by SEVENTEEN themselves. They’re called Cubics, which Pledis Entertainment personally thanked alongside Carats in a recent announcement regarding the show’s brief hiatus.

Seeing the fandom being acknowledged alongside Carats made many people happy to be seen. All Cubics aren’t just everyday people, either. Many idol groups such as THE BOYZ, CIX, and CRAVITY have expressed how much they enjoy GOING SEVENTEEN and have imitated some of its funny scenes.

Jeonghan, Seungkwan, and S.Coups. | @pledis_boos/Instagram

Regardless of which of SEVENTEEN’s fandoms one belongs to, fans can all agree on one thing: GOING SEVENTEEN is an entertaining show that brings out the members’ funniest sides and is extremely missed whenever it takes a break.


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