TXT’s Soobin Reveals How They Handle Arguments

Even the most laid-back groups experience disagreements.

During TXT‘s media showcase for their latest mini-album The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY, one question posed to the group covered an essential part of growing up.

Ever since their first mini-album The Dream Chapter: STAR, they’ve shown a story of friends who bonded over their differences and gone on adventures together. Now they’re showing their first problems with each other.

Since those situations mirror the growth of friendships in real life, they were asked how they’ve handled it since their debut: “I wonder how TXT overcame disagreements or growing pains as a team since their debut.”

As the leader, Soobin decided to address the question. Since it’s not possible for everyone in the world to get along all the time, he began with a logical explanation. With a smile, he admitted, “We can’t always agree with each other. So whether it’s about work or personal things, we are bound to have disagreements.”

When those disagreements do happen, they’ve figured out a way to solve them in a peaceful and productive way. “But when we do, we always try to talk over things together and try to understand one another.”

Since they’re stronger together, they don’t separate when those problems become difficult and solve it on their own. Instead, they figure it out together, “We always try our best to solve a problem as a team.”

Even though TXT get along well most of the time, they have their moments when they disagree and could cause arguments. Because of that, they know precisely how to take care of it. Watch Soobin explain their process here.


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