Is this before and after eye make up comparison the most drastic?

Netizens discuss the most drastic change of this Korean female’s before and after eye make up

Make up is and always will be part of most female’s daily lives. Although some have more drastic change than others, is this the most drastic change of before and after eye make up we all have ever seen?

Originally posted on Pann, netizens discuss a drastic change before and after eye make up of this Korean female.

Titled “Who Also Has Drastic Change Before And After Make Up,” here is the direct translation of the post and comments below.


“I always feel though that I am living a lie everyday.”


Koreaboo has collected reactions from Netizens who commented on the original article from our Korean source. The below comments are the most popular comments at the time of this article being published.

[ +182 / 0] That is freaking crazy.. How does the eye size change like that..?

[ +173 / -2] Wow……. Don’t go to the sauna with your boyfriend.. he might just go home

[ +109 / -6] Woah.. this is freaking daebak

[ +58 / -2] But people still claim double eyelid surgery isn’t plastic surgery.. tsk tsk.. person’s life change just because of that

[ +39 / 0] But you really suck at make up… look at the messy eyeliner T_T_T

Source: Pann

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