These 6 photos of Kim Jong Kook show his amazing bodybuilding transformation over the years

Running Man‘s Kim Jong Kook has certainly gone through changes since his Turbo days. These past photos prove just how much the singer and entertainer’s body has changed since then.

Kim Jong Kook has never been shy about his love for the gym and a healthy diet. He even posts regular selfies on Instagram of his amazingly gym body so it is definitely no surprise to fans that the singer has always been toned.

Even after he shed his muscular image for his emotional Chinese solo debut, which received praise from fans globally, it seems Kim Jong Kook can’t escape his muscular image. These amazing past photos show just how much the singers body has changed since his debut with Turbo in the 90s to his “commander” image on SBS Running Man.

Check out the photos below!

Kim Jong Kook Turbo photo
Image: Turbo during their debut days
Kim Jong Kook Turbo photo
Image: Group photo of Turbo in a magazine
Kim Jong Kook gym photo
Image: Kim Jong Kook in his younger days, spending time in the gym
Kim Jong Kook photoshoot
Image: Kim Jong Kook posing for a magazine shoot during his solo promotions
Kim Jong Kook beach photo
Image: Kim Jong Kook at a photo shoot
Kim Jong Kook Running Man
Image: Kim Jong Kook’s shirt gets ripped during a water game on SBS “Running Man” / SBS

Source: Vingle

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