BTS Jimin’s new habit melts hearts and these 6 GIFs are proof

Jimin is one of the funniest members of BTS and it seems that fans have found another quirky habit of his that’s heart-meltingly adorable.  This adorable habit by Jimin seems to have popped up and fans have started finding more and more videos of him doing it! His past habits have even caused fellow member Rap Monster to pen the nickname “mochi sexy” for Jimin. The nickname refers to when Jimin unconsciously does something super adorable!

What’s the new habit of his? He’s constantly putting his pinky finger in his mouth when he smiles or laughs!

Not only does he slowly put his finger near or inside his mouth, he has the cutest tendency to slightly cover the side of his face while laughing! Check out the compilation of examples below:

Jimin’s cuteness is almost too much to handle.

Jimin Fansign Eye Smile

What a cute way to hide your grin!

That hand’s getting closer.. ?

As Jimin rests his chin in his hand, it’s impossible smile!

Jimin’s pouty face is just too adorable.

What an adorable wandering pinky!

Doesn’t he know touching his lips makes him that much more irresistible?!

Jimin’s list of endearing habits already includes the way he sitsstands, and smiles, and the list just seems to keep getting longer. Let us know in the comments below what you love about Jimin the most!

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