Chinese “Running Man” film earns 12.2 billion won on opening day

Recently, the Chinese version of popular SBS variety show Running Man has released its film, and was recorded to have earned 12.2 billion won ($11,095,046 USD) on opening day.

According to Chinese entertainment news portals, Hurry Up, Brother accounted for 35% of the earnings on its opening day on January 30th, equaling to 70 million yuan. The film is not aimed at a specific group, but is a movie that an audience of any age can enjoy, including small children, students, and adults.

The film Hurry Up, Brother features the regular cast member Angelababy, Li Chen (Jerry Li), Michael Chen, Ryan Cheng, Wang Baoqiang, and Wong Cho Lam (sans Deng Chao due to scheduling conflicts), as well as guest members Kim Jong Kook, Eleven, Lynn Hung, Sie Yi Lin, and Guo Jingfei. 

Source: TV Report

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