SEVENTEEN’s Evil Prank On Sleeping Dino Is The Cutest Thing You’ll See All Week

Don’t close your eyes, Dino!

During SEVENTEEN‘s recent live broadcast with V COOKIE, beloved for its “LieV” series which invites the guests to lie down and get comfortable…


Dino ended up getting too cozy and falling asleep.


Not missing out on this chance to tease Dino the Sleepy Head, the rest of SEVENTEEN hyungs (older brothers) immediately planned to pull a cheeky little prank on the unsuspecting maknae (youngest member).


As Dino continued to catch up on his much needed sleep…


… SEVENTEEN decided to pretend the broadcast was over. Instead of waking Dino up, the members opted to create commotion and surprise him. The playful hyungs shouted their team name and thanked the staff…


… and Dino sprung up from his nap. Dino’s reaction is priceless:


SEVENTEEN members continued to tease Dino, asking him why he hadn’t talked much during the broadcast. Soon, the ashamed Dino confessed that he had fallen asleep…

Dino: I kind of…
SEVENTEEN: Did you fall asleep?!
Dino: … I’m sorry.


Dino’s mean hyungs made Dino apologize to Carats for sleeping during the broadcast. By this point, Carats were rolling on the floor laughing, especially because Dino was so sincere in his apology. Dino’s hyungs couldn’t hold back the UWU either:

I can’t believe I slept through the whole thing…? Next live broadcast, I’ll talk the most. I’m really sorry…!

— Dino


Soon, the hyungs told Dino it was all a prank. Carats will forever remember this Bummed Baby Dino!

I knew it…!

— Dino


Surely, Dino learned his lesson. Never fall asleep in a room full of hyungs!


Watch the full live broadcast here:


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