ASTRO Reveals Rocky’s Insane Choreography Memorizing Skills— And We’re Shook

He memorized 10 choreographies in 2 days!

On UNBOXING with ASTRO’s JinJin and PENTAGON’s Kino, JinJin and Sanha revealed Rocky‘s incredible choreography memorizing skills.

Kino (left), JinJin (middle), and Rocky (right)| DIVE Studios Podcasts/YouTube

Rocky tried to remain humble, saying he “find[s] it so difficult to memorize choreography,” but his members JinJin and Sanha had to clear the air. JinJin first told a story from their trainee days, sharing how their dance teacher would give them one or two days to memorize as much of the choreography as possible.

Usually in this situation, people normally work on one song, right? In fact, it’s not enough time to even finish learning the entire song. But Rocky copied 10 different choreographies!


| DIVE Studios Podcasts/YouTube

Sanha went on to share how Rocky learned the choreography to VICTON, ASTRO, and PENTAGON’s “IDOL” performance within three hours.

Sanha: For the recent “IDOL” performance, he even watched the video and our performance…

JinJin: He learned it all and taught us.

Sanha: He just watched it one time and told me to follow his lead!

Rocky’s choreography memorizing skills are no joke!


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