8 Dream Interpretations that may lead to finding LOVE

To those who are looking for love, a popular post in South Korea listed down 8 signification interpretations that may lead to finding love!

On September 23rd, a post on Instiz recommends 8 significant dreams that one may interpret as a lead to finding love. Although not scientifically proven, these dream interpretations have caught much interest not only for its meaning, but also the accompanying photos attached to it.

Does it apply to you?

Find out what Netizens had to say about this article below!

1. Being late for school or work

Image: Instiz
Image: Instiz

2. For girls, your make-up looking perfect

Image: Instiz
Image: Instiz

3. Being beat up severely

4. Fighting someone heatedly

Image: Instiz
Image: Instiz

5. Taking a bath

Image: Instiz
Image: Instiz

6. Dancing crazily at a club

7. Cheating on someone

Image: Pann
Image: Pann

8. Picking fruit from a tree

Image: Instiz
Image: Instiz


Koreaboo has collected reactions from Netizens who commented on the original article from our Korean source. The below comments are the most popular comments at the time of this article being published.

  • I always have dreams like 1 and 7 but I’m already a couple..
  • I don’t dream….
  • God damn it I need to start dreaming
  • In my dream I ran away from some one trying to beat me up..I should have let them
  • I’ve never had any of these dreams…maybe that’s why I’m….ㅠㅠ
  • My mom beat me up in my dream .. I guess that’s why we’re closer now?

Source: Instiz

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