Fans Think They’ve Discovered EXO Sehun’s Secret Girlfriend After Suspicious Posts On Instagram

Fans are going crazy over the possibility that a girlfriend of EXO’s Sehun may have accidentally revealed herself online. 

On May 30th, a post on Pann caught the attention of EXO’s fans after it featured an alleged post from Sehun’s girlfried. The post contained a screenshot from an Instagram account with showed an image of a guy sleeping with his pet and was posted with a caption saying, “Oppa is cute.” 

Although the face of the guy in question was covered, comments on the post such as “Noona, are you really dating O.S.H” and “Stay quiet, okay?” caused suspicion. Screenshot of these conversations were also posted.

EXO’s fans who have seen the gathered evidence pertaining to Oh Sehun further investigated and found that the ears looked eerily similar when compared. Since the incident, however, it was also noticed how the alleged girlfriend started uploading random updates on her account all of a sudden.

Other fans, however, remained suspicious towards the relationship and claimed that the photos were simply stolen, also adding comparison photos of the ears looking different.








Source: Pann 

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