Kim Joo Hyuk’s Autopsy Results Released, Cause of Accident Still Unknown

The autopsy results of Kim Joo Hyuk’s death were released by the National Institute of Scientific Investigation on November 14, 2017.

Authorities had not concluded the autopsy so they could not definitely say that he had passed away due to a specific reason.

Officials Say Kim Joo Hyuk Did Not Die Of Chest Pains Or Head Injuries

The final results showed that Kim Joo Hyuk ultimately passed away due to a cranial fracture. 

The autopsy showed that there no traces of any drugs besides a minute trace of antihistamines (drugs that treat allergic rhinitis + other allergies.)

Earlier released footage shows Kim Joo Hyuk driving erratically, swerving side to side, crashing into another vehicle and lastly turning over and crashing into a building.

Even though the ultimate cause of death is confirmed, authorities are still confused on the cause of the accident which led to the cranial fracture. 

A strongly suspected theory is sudden cardiac death which is the sudden, unexpected death caused by the loss of heart function. 

However, authorities said that it is impossible to find out if there were any signs of sudden cardiac arrest in Kim Joo Hyuk’s body because an autopsy cannot detect that.

As of this moment, there are is no additional evidence that truly reveals the cause of the accident and the reason why Kim Joo Hyuk was driving in that manner. 

Furthermore, authorities announced that there will be no further medical investigations unless further evidence is discovered.

Due to this, authorities have classified the death of Kim Joo Hyuk as unknown because the true cause cannot be obtained as of this moment. 

The results of Kim Joo Hyuk’s vehicle investigation is still underway and the results from the respective authorities will be released around the end of this month. (November) 

Source: Sports Chosun


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