WINNER displays their sexy side in “star1” photo shoot

WINNER shows a whole new sexy side of themselves in their photo shoot for star1 magazine.

With their normally cheerful and bright personalities, WINNER takes a 180-degree turn for their star1 pictorial, showing a new sexy and mature personality. The boys put on a new style of makeup while dressed down in dark clothing.

Kang Seung Yoon tilts his head downward, glancing up at the camera while biting his thumb in his individual teaser photo. He sits against a mirror with his jacket pulled down to the sleeves. Kim Jin Woo hugs his legs against his chest while staring intensely at the camera, throwing away his usual innocent facial expressions.

Meanwhile, Nam Taehyun kicks back and sits on a chair with his feet on a desk for his individual photo. With one hand over his mouth and another hand holding his belt, Taehyun also follows the other members by projecting an intense gaze.






Source: star1

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