7 Times Jungkook Proved His Loyalty To BTS and ARMY

Jungkook has some serious devotion to BTS and A.R.M.Ys!

Jungkook grew up in front of the camera so has had a long journey to where he is today. While he finds it hard to voice his devotion to BTS, since he’s a man of few words, he shows his feelings through actions – and there have been many times he illustrated his love and loyalty towards BTS and A.R.M.Ys. Check out 7 of them below!


1. When Jungkook devoted himself to become a better singer for A.R.M.Ys

At the end of the “Epilogue” concert, Jungkook told fans he would become a better singer for them and worked hard in the time since to make this come true!


2. When he wrote a letter to fans explaining how much he loves them

As he said in the letter, it’s hard for him to express the love he feels for his fans, but he tried hard on BTS’s first anniversary for the fans. Although he broke down in tears, he told A.R.M.Ys as clearly as he could how much they meant to him.


3. When he said he’s truly happy thanks to the other members and A.R.M.Y

In 2016, he opened up about what he thought the future held. He said that although he knows there will be difficult times ahead, he can endure them thanks to his members, family and A.R.M.Y. His smile at the end showed his happiness at having BTS in his life.


4. When he delayed going to high school for a year to focus on debuting

Jungkook debuted when he was 15 and started high school a year late so he could focus on the group, finally graduating in 2017. If that’s not devotion, nothing is!


5. When he almost fainted from exhaustion but kept dancing

As shown on Burn The Stage, Jungkook almost passed out during the “Wings” tour in Chile. He had overworked himself until his body couldn’t take it, but after a short rest he ended up going back on to finish the concert. This clip shows the moment he first showed signs of fatigue on stage.


6. When he said everything was thanks to BTS

He expressed how much BTS means to him in that moment.


7. When Jungkook shows his love with finger hearts

He doesn’t say much but his sincerity is all in the finger tips!


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