10+ ARMY Reactions To BTS Jimin’s “Set Me Free Pt.2” MV That Are Painfully Relatable


BTS Jimin‘s anticipated MV for his solo “Set Me Free Pt.2” is finally here!

Our expectations were high, yet he still exceeded them and shocked us all. Check out 10+ of the most relatable ARMY reactions…

1. Did we hear him correctly?!

2. This tweet was not wrong.

3. “You burned my house to the ground. …What do I do?!”

4. Fraternal twins

5. Y’all ears burning?

6. R.I.P.

7. The way we went from excited about that little tattoo to…

8. His duality is next level.

9. That reference was insane.

10. Our mouths are still on the floor.

11. We’ll literally bet he’s going to do this…

12. The details! It’s all connected.

13. He heard what he heard, and he delivered.

14. Jin is all of us.

15. Jimin’s just here to watch the world burn.

16. That’s our Main Dancer!

17. Be free finally, butterfly.

18. Simpler times.

19. God-tier playlist.

20. Anyone else totally thought it was a shirt at first?

21. All-rounder

22. Trying to make it out without getting distracted…

23. The prophecy has been fulfilled.

NSFW Moments

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