10 Incorrect K-Pop Quotes That’ll Make You Spit Your Water Out
We really love incorrect K-Pop quotes, and we know you do too! Below are 10 incorrect K-Pop quotes that may or may not have totally made us spit our water out. (Thank goodness for water-resistant keyboards!)
1. Spoon + Fork = ?
Can we all agree to start calling it a “fpoon”? 😂 Please?
This is something that has often plagued our own thoughts.
3. We feel seen.
Chocolate is good for your health though, right? RIGHT?
4. LOL
Please, someone, write this into a comedy screenplay.
5. Why isn’t “armkle” a thing?
Like “fpoon”, some things need to be renamed.
6. This is true friendship.
Are you even really friends if you wouldn’t sacrifice your life so your friend can be rich?
7. Priorities!
Listen, mugshots are forever so it’s important to look good in them.
8. The question was unclear.
Another acceptable answer would have been “I see lots of people.”
9. Tomato is a fruit…
While tomato is a fruit, it’s important to acknowledge that it doesn’t really belong in smoothies.
10. It’s easy to forget things.
Sometimes you forget to eat lunch. Other times, you forget entire countries. That happens, right?
We really hope you weren’t drinking water (or worse yet — soda) when you were reading this. Now, please excuse us as we grab a towel to clean up our spill.