8 Photos To Test If You Are A True Fan Of NCT’s Taeyong
Do you see what I see?
A fan shared a photo of Taeyong on a fan community site and pointed out there was something different about Taeyong in the picture.
If you can find the difference right away, you’re a true NCTzen.
If you can’t, let’s play a game of how many photos does it take!
1) Nope, the answer is not his hair color!
2. Do you see it?
3. How about now?
4. Does this make it clearer?
5. Having someone next to him should make it easier.
6. Now you should see it with your eyes closed
7. OK, the answer is Taeyong’s Pinky!!
Taeyong is known for not bending his right pinky finger when he makes a “V” sign. Taeyong’s member Mark confirmed Taeyong has a hard time bending his fingers so his pinky is hardly bent in any photos.
Thank you for playing the game!
Source: The Qoo