Alleged Victim Calls Out SM Entertainment For Insincere Apology Regarding NCT Renjun’s Phone Number Controversy

The alleged victim in NCT Renjun’s recent phone number controversy has spoken up. Previously, SM Entertainment had issued an apology, acknowledging Renjun’s faults in the matter.
“Hello, this is SM Entertainment.
On June 20, Renjun exposed a phone number that had called him on a messaging app after he perceived the caller as a Sasaeng. We apologize for the fact that he exposed the number on a public platform and the harm it caused the caller.
After we were alerted that the victim had gone to the police, we spoke with the head investigator, who shared with us what the caller had gone through. We sent our apologies to the investigator and deleted the message at the center of this incident. We will do our best to minimize the damage to the victim, and we ask that you no longer call the person.
Renjun is currently reflecting on his foolish actions, and we also ask forgiveness for our lack of care for our artists. Again, we apologize to the victim and to the many fans who were alarmed by this incident.”
— SM Entertainment
It was later made known by the alleged victim that the company had not apologized to them. The alleged victim lamented that the company apologized through a news article rather than directly to them.
법무팀이 사과 관련해서 연락하고 싶어했다 < 라고 어제 오후 8~9시경에 수사관님한테 전달 받았어요 번호까지 넘겨줬는데도 아직까지 연락 없는데요
— 😐 (@RWVX6NknaG67935) June 21, 2024
“Are apologies originally made through an article rather than by contacting someone? Their legal team said that they wanted to contact me about an apology. That was what they told me through the investigative staff around 8 to 9pm yesterday. I even gave them my number, but I still have not received any contact from them.”
— Alleged victim
Preivously, Renjun had exposed a number that he believed to belong to a sasaeng. He blasted the number on his Dear. U Bubble, causing fans to bombard the number with calls, texts, and more. He was berated for his careless actions after the owner of the number spoke up, claiming that they had merely called the number by mistake, thinking it to be a friend’s. You can read more about it below.
Alleged Sasaeng Demands NCT’s Renjun To Apologize For Exposing Their Phone Number