ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo Shares What He Thinks People Misunderstand About Him The Most

He talked about what misconceptions he thinks people have of him!

ASTRO‘s Cha Eunwoo revealed what he thinks is a common misperception that others have of him!

Cha Eunwoo recently sat down for a TMI interview with GQ Korea, where he talked answered questions sent in for him!

One of the questions asked to him was,

What is one thing that people misunderstand about me?

Cha Eunwoo revealed that there are two things that people often misunderstand about him: his athletic abilities, and his “nice and kind” personality!

I’m not good at sports? I’d not be good at sports? Or I’ll be nice? No, am I nice? Or not nice…?

—Cha Eunwoo

He then elaborated on his thoughts about being told that he looks like he’d have a “nice” or “gentle” personality, and how he feels about it.

Anyway, there are people who say that I look too gentle. Sometimes, I’m grateful when I hear that, but there’s a part of me where I’m like, “Am I?”

—Cha Eunwoo

Watch him talk about it here!


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