Fromis_9’s Jiheon Knew The Perfect Compliment To Leave SEVENTEEN’s Seungkwan Shook

Even NU’EST and Lee Hyun were laughing at the funny interaction.

During The Game Caterers 2 x HYBE special, fromis_9 were such big supporters of SEVENTEEN that Jiheon knew the perfect compliment to leave the talkative Seungkwan hilariously speechless.

Jiheon | @jiheonnibaek/Instagram

When choosing someone to lead the game, the show’s PD chose none other than Seungkwan. He immediately felt the responsibility of having “such an important duty.” Fortunately, there was a group that was ready to boost his confidence.

Jiwon began to chant his name in support and soon had the members joining her. That’s when Jiheon added another part to the chant that instantly caught Seungkwan’s attention.

With a smile, Jiheon shouted, “You’re good-looking!” Seungkwan didn’t miss the compliment.

As soon as Seungkwan heard the words, he stopped talking to the PD and asked, “Who said I’m good-looking?” Jiheon immediately stood up to claim it, waving at Seungkwan. Jiwon even shouted, “You’re so hot!

Seungkwan was so overwhelmed by the compliment that he couldn’t find the words to thank them aloud. Becoming hilariously shy, he thanked them by bowing instead. Former NU’EST member Baekho even explained why the compliment had caused that reaction from Seungkwan.

Making Lee Hyun and Minhyun laugh harder, Baekho said, “He likes hearing that. He likes hearing he’s good-looking.

Watch Jiheon cause laughter and the funniest reaction from Seungkwan by using his favorite compliment.


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