[★BREAKING] Girl’s Day Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol Are In A Relationship
Dispatch Translation: “Girl’s Day Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol are officially in a relationship, according to Dispatch and their exclusive photos.
Dispatch Translation: “A common couple by the lake.”
Dispatch captured the two on a date in March 2017, at Seokchon Lake. The lake is a popular date spot, especially during Cherry Blossom season.
Dispatch Translation: “They would talk to each other.”
Dispatch Translation: “Then playfully tease each other.”
Dispatch Translation: “She would lean her head on his shoulders.”
Dispatch Translation: “Yes, they are lovers.”
Dispatch Translation: “‘Unbelieveable'”
Dispatch Translation: “They seem familiar?”
Dispatch Translation: “She is Deokson.”
Dispatch Translation: “The guy next to her?”
Dispatch Translation: “Jungpal, also known as”
Dispatch Translation: “Ryu Jun Yeol”
Girl’s Day was promoting their song, “I’ll Be Yours” at the time these photos were taken.
Dispatch Translation: “When he begins talking.”
Dispatch Translation: “Hyeri laughs.”
Dispatch Translation: “When she bows her head.”
Dispatch Translation: “He falls over laughing.”
Dispatch Translation: “When Hyeri looks up at the sky”
Dispatch Translation: “So does he.”
Dispatch Translation: “All his focus was”
Dispatch Translation: “On her and her only.”
Dispatch Translation: “In reality, Ryu Jun Yeol was her man.”
The two of them were both very busy. She joined the cast of movie ‘Moolgwe’ and Ryu Jun Yeol was filming for the movie ‘Money’.
Dispatch Translation: “The two met up in Oksoodong.”
Dispatch Translation: “So they went unnoticed.”
Dispatch Translation: “And continued their relationship quietly.”
The second set of photos from Dispatch was taken on August 11, 2017. Hyeri was returning from Europe, where she was completing a photo shoot project.
Dispatch Translation: “The thing that catches attention”
Dispatch Translation: “Was her red shopping bag.”
Dispatch Translation: “Hyeri carries her heart on her way to meet her boyfriend.”
Dispatch Translation: “Because her boyfriend is Ryu Jun Yeol.”
The two were co-stars Reply 1988 and were an extremely popular couple on the show. During filming, Hyeri even mentioned how much Ryu Jun Yeol helped her while filming.
“I was worried if the viewers would be as sad as I would be during the crying scene so I was wondering if I could get any tips or know-hows. So I called Ryu Jun Yeol two days before the shoot. We weren’t that close back then so I had to pick up the courage to call him. I asked if he could come out to the office and he came gladly without hesitation. He taught me the best.”
– Hyeri
Source: Dispatch