Jessica Receives Touching Gift From NBA’s Stephen Curry

Jessica Jung recently received a surprise gift from Golden State Warriors and star player Stephen Curry.

She received her very own custom Golden State Warriors jersey, which included her name and birth year printed on. Not only was it personalized just for her, it was even signed by Stephen Curry himself. Understandably excited about the gift, Jessica took to Instagram to show everyone her wonderful new jersey.

Jessica is no stranger to when it comes to the Golden State Warriors, her hometown’s team. With her solo debut song “Fly” having referenced Stephen Curry, she was even personally invited to game 5 of NBA finals by the Golden State Warriors last summer. In addition to being able to watch the game on the sidelines, Jessica also gave an interview with Tencent, a Chinese investment company with ties to the NBA.

Thanks for the jersey @stephencurry30 ! Bring home the #NBA championship #goldenstatewarriors ?

A photo posted by Jessica Jung (@jessica.syj) on



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