Multiple Deaths Cause Chinese Embassy To Warn Against Getting Plastic Surgery In Korea

There’s been a rise in fatal medical complications.

At the beginning of January, a Chinese woman in her twenties received three rounds of liposuction at a plastic surgery clinic in Gangnam. Days later, she experienced severe pain that sent her to the hospital.

Korean plastic surgery ads written in Korean, Chinese, and English. | Elise Hu/NPR

The hospital’s treatment wasn’t successful. Through police reports, Yonhap News discovered the woman died on January 10. Her death caused China’s embassy in Seoul to send out a warning to its citizens.

Photo for illustrative purposes only. | 1662222/Pixabay

The Chinese embassy noticed a rising trend of foreigners dying from plastic surgery and facing other serious medical complications. And the majority of foreigners who come to Korea for plastic surgery are reported to be from China and the United States.

In recent years, many foreigners have come to South Korea for cosmetic surgery, and some people have been involved in medical disputes and surgical failures and even deaths have occurred.

— Chinese Embassy

Photo for illustrative purposes only. | Engin Akyurt

Despite South Korea being the plastic surgery capital of the world, the embassy offered seven ways for Chinese citizens to take precautions if they still chose to get plastic surgery in Korea.

The embassy’s advisory through its WeChat account cautioned Chinese citizens to carefully choose intermediary agencies, be wary of advertising and risks, pursue rational legal recourse in the case of medical disputes, and strictly adhere to standardized medical institutions, procedures and surgeons.

The embassy also reminded citizens to sign a clear contract and retain full medical records.

— Korea JoongAng Daily

The Chinese embassy isn’t the only one taking action. At the request of the woman’s family, Korean police opened an investigation into the Gangnam clinic for “alleged negligence in causing harm and death.” They’re currently determining the woman’s cause of death.

Korean police officers. | AP
Source: Korea JoongAng Daily
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