Lee Hyori once again posts warnings to Jeju Island tourists against visiting her home

Tourists visiting Jeju Island continues to bustle to Lee Hyori‘s family home, thoroughly annoying the starlet.

Ever since Lee Hyori permanently moved to Jeju Island following her marriage and making it her new home, the house has inadvertently become a tourist attraction. The popular entertainer has previously warned tourists that her house is not “a tourist attraction,” but it seems as if her words have fallen onto deaf ears as she has once again given out a warning.

On June 15th, Lee Hyori took to her Facebook page and wrote, “To visitors of Jeju Island. I’m sorry, but my house is not a tourist spot. The doorbell that continues to ring from morning to night and the alarm going off is severely stressing us out. Even though you are curious, I ask that you understand. Please note that our house is not visible at all because of a large tree outside covering the house. You’ll be coming for no reason. I will post a lot of photos, so you aren’t disappointed.”

In the past year, she has been very active through SNS accounts and her blog, outlining her daily life for the public. After promising to be active on these SNS accounts just for a year, she kept to her word and deleted and ceased using her SNS accounts as of May 2015.

Lee Hyori married Lee Sang Soon in 2013 and moved to Jeju Island.


Source: Hanguk Kyungjae TV

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