Netflix’s “Sweet Home” Collaborates With Legacy Effects (Avengers) And Spectral Motion (Stranger Things)

Fans are excited about the monsters’ effects!

It’s almost time for Sweet Home‘s premiere! Fans are bubbling with excitement, but, were a little worried earlier this year. To some fans, K-Dramas don’t always have the budget to use CGI good enough to capture their dream scenario. As Sweet Home‘s story relies heavily on the presence of monsters and mutants, fans were a bit worried about how they would look.

With just a little under 10 days to the premiere, Netflix has released still-cuts of the key creatures of Sweet Home and a new trailer to go with it. To create these creatures, the director has collaborated with two world-renowned CGI studios – Legacy Effects (of Avengers and Avatar) and Spectral Motion (of Stranger Things)!

The monsters they have previewed are as follows:

The Muscle Monster

| Netflix

The Gremlin Monster

| Netflix

The Eye Monster

| Netflix

These monsters look amazing! We can’t wait!

Watch the newest trailer below!

TRIGGER WARNING: This trailer is filled with gore, blood, flashing images, quick cuts, injured people, and general horror tropes. Watch with caution!

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