A Public Petition Has Been Filed To Reinvestigate B.I’s Drug Case

They want YG’s meddling investigated.

A public petition against YG Entertainment’s alleged interference in B.I‘s drug case has been filed with the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission on June 13th.

The petition pertains to a case in 2016 where a Ms A was arrested for illegal drug activities and a Mr C was arrested for illegal drug distribution. In the middle of the police investigation, A retracted her previous statement where she said she sold drugs to B.I. This caused the police to shut the case without further investigation of B.I. Many suspect YG Entertainment may have been involved with the police and evidence may have been suppressed.

If the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission finds this petition to be valid then they will be obligated to re-investigate the closed case and also YG Entertainment’s alleged interference in the original investigation.


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