Racist American High School Teacher Tells Students She Hates Koreans

Korean-American organizations are demanding Bergen County Education Department officials take action against a teacher who intentionally made anti-Korean comments in front of her students.

Source: Bergen County Academy

A Spanish teacher at Bergen Academies High School recently told her students (among them several Koreans) during a class.

Source: Alana Lentin

School administrators met with members of the Korean Parents Partnership Organization and other Korean associations regarding the incident to discuss this serious cultural discrimination.

“As a mother of two children, I find this incident heartbreaking. In solidarity with the Korean community and with all Korean students, I’d like to stand with the community to resolve this issue.”

— Grace Song, A Rep from the Korean Parents Group of Palisades Park

Source: North Jersy

Although the school officials released a public statement regarding the issue, they remain silent on what the actual penalty the accused teacher would receive.

“Intolerance, insensitivity, or discrimination of any sort is contrary to the values and policies of the school district and not tolerated.”

— Howard Lerner, Superintendent of Bergen County Technical Schools

Source: North Jersy

According to the report, the teacher has been moved to different classes and apologized to the students since the incident occurred.

“We want to educate parents and if that happens we are going to let them know we all stand for whoever needs help.”

— Ellyn Park President of Korean-American Association of New Jersey

Source: KAANJ

Although it’s a step in the right direction to the organization leaders, The Korean Association demands a written apology from the school and insists that a cultural sensitivity training program for public teachers be implemented.

Source: Pooyaka

Source: North jersey

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