SEVENTEEN’s S.Coups Shows His Devotion To His Members By Traveling To Japan Despite ACL Injury

He truly is such an incredible leader!

Last month, SEVENTEEN fans were devastated to learn that leader S.Coups had suffered a serious injury by tearing his ACL. The recovery time for such an injury is usually at least six to nine months, and it’s sometimes even up to a year before someone is back to pre-injury health. He even had to have surgery done on the injury, which thankfully was successful, and the plan was for him to focus fully on resting and recovery before starting physical therapy.


Sadly, this meant that he was going to miss out on SEVENTEEN’s activities that they had planned for the coming months with their ‘FOLLOW’ To Japan concert tour from September to December.

Though it hasn’t been that long yet since S.Coups and SEVENTEEN had to separate for the tour, the group’s leader recently took to Weverse to express that he already missed his members.

On September 4, he wrote the message “I miss SEVENTEEN”. Soon afterwards, Hoshi jokingly replied with “Come see me”, which we doubt he actually meant seriously. However, the next day, S.Coups announced that he was going to Japan!

And sure enough, S.Coups followed through with his words. He was later seen at the airport on his way to Japan, still in a cast and brace and being pushed in a wheelchair.

This is just pure dedication and devotion to his members, and it really proves just how much he loves and cares for SEVENTEEN!

Fans have taken to social media to express their admiration and adoration for S.Coups, which we can definitely relate to.

He’s definitely a leader worth looking up to for anyone in the K-Pop industry and beyond! We hope that he has a safe time while in Japan.


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