SHINee’s Taemin Celebrates Key’s Birthday In The Most Hilarious Way Possible

You will ROFL.

With all his hyungs currently serving in the military, SHINee’s maknae Taemin always makes sure they know he’s thinking of them!


On September 23, Taemin updated his Instagram with pictures and videos of himself…in Key‘s house!

There’s a photo of him standing with a cake, in front of an art piece that features Key, and another one that has him looking at the art in reverence:



In a video, he goes into Key’s closet, rifles through his jackets before slipping a cardigan on! He then turns to the camera, and says

I’m going to go now! Happy birthday bye! —Taemin

Taemin revealed that his friends HOTSHOT’s Timoteo and Kwonho were also there with him, and said that they entered Key’s place without him knowing. He then asked everyone to congratulate Key on his birthday, and said that he sent all the photos and videos to Key; he’s sure he’ll get feedback from him soon.


We love maknae-on-top Taemin!



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