The Stylist Claiming A Celebrity Stole “300 Pairs Of Shoes” Reportedly Worked For EXO’s Suho — Alleged To Have Lied To Hurt The Idol
The stylist who alleged that an idol stole 300 pairs of shoes worth over ₩100 million KRW (about $77,000 USD) reportedly once worked for Suho.
Earlier this week, a celebrity stylist’s Instagram post in which they alleged that an idol had taken over 300 pairs of shoes without returning them went viral.
Besides these in the picture, there are over 300 pairs of shoes missing.
Stop pretending that you are a nice person, stop bullshitting, and learn how to be a human.
Get rid of your beggar tendencies.
— Stylist
The stylist uploaded several stories, each claiming that the idol had not returned shoes that the stylist bought themselves. The stylist would go further and even allege that the celebrity had contacted the stylist’s acquaintances asking for stuff.
I’ve been organizing this for a few days, and you’ve seriously taken a lot. There are a lot of things you want, but you have no common sense. It’s already been 6 months since I’ve asked for them back, but when will you actually give them back?
I don’t like writing on Instagram like this either, but if you don’t give them back, I will reveal your name.
Stop living the life of a liar and get some common sense. Stop contacting the people around me. Spend some money on the things you need. The rich should spend some of their money. I’m speechless.
— Stylist
Following the revelations from the stylist, some netizens pointed at EXO’s Suho as the idol who had stolen the shoes, as he has an extensive shoe collection.
EXO’s Suho Denies Rumors He Is The Idol Who Stole 300 Pairs Of Shoes Worth ₩100 Million KRW
SM Entertainment, however, came out to say that Suho was not involved in this situation at all and that they would take legal action against those accusing him.
The posts that are spreading online that are pointing out Suho are completely groundless in relation to him. The idea of this relating to Suho is false information, and it has nothing to do with him.
We are preparing to file a complaint for defamation through the spread of false information through our legal representatives, and we will also take legal action against those who spread rumors related to this incident.
— SM Entertainment
Now, a new report alleges that the incident may be deeper than first thought. According to a Sports Chosun report, the stylist in question is a former stylist of EXO’s Suho, who allegedly is falsifying their allegations to intentionally hurt the idol.
Those involved are claiming it is the stylist’s way of getting revenge. The stylist had formerly quit working as a stylist for reasons we can’t fathom revealing. Those involved are alleging that the stylist uploaded (the posts) as revenge for no longer being able to work with Suho.
Those familiar with the incident are also alleging that the stylist’s claims that they purchased the shoes with their own money are also not reliable. Although some stylists make over ₩100 million KRW (about $77,000 USD), insiders are saying this stylist did not and questioned whether they would be able to afford spending ₩100 million KRW (about $77,000 USD) on shoes.
— Sports Chosun
The report then goes on to quote insiders who are close to Suho. According to one source, “Considering Suho’s personality, it is impossible (that Suho did this).” Sports Chosun reports that Suho is known to be very gentle in the way he treats EXO members and staff. According to another source, Suho even went out of his way to buy a stylist a jacket worth ₩1.68 million KRW (about $1,290 USD).
I was wondering how much I should spend to not regret it when Suho hyung really cooly told me, ‘Buy what you like, and I’ll pay for you.’
— Stylist “HOW”
Lastly, the report states that it is well known among fans that even as a trainee, Suho would buy his fellow trainees food if they were hungry. The article ends by stating that it didn’t make sense for Suho to steal the shoes.
Stay tuned for updates.