Super Junior’s Shindong Fat Shamed By Malicious Commenters Who Just Don’t Learn Their Lesson

They demanded he lose weight.

Super Junior‘s Shindong recently attended a promotional event with his members for their latest album.


All of the members coordinated their outfits to crisp, red suits with various accessories.


Shindong looked clean, cut handsome in his vibrant outfit but Korean netizens began fat shaming him for his body type.


Shindong looked happy, healthy, and energetic at the press conference but sour netizens flooded the comments bashing his weight.


One popular post claimed Shindong shouldn’t be an idol because he didn’t fit the fit and slim standard set on by society. The malicious post gained traction as more than 1,300 netizens agreed with the OP.


Many left hurtful messages targeted at Shindong’s weight. They demanded that he lose weight and “take care of himself“.


Thankfully, right-minded netizens fired back at the malicious commenters as they demanded an end to the malicious online culture. They shamed the haters for failing to learn their lesson after the recent tragic loss of Sulli, who had also suffered under malicious comments.


Shindong will hopefully not let these malicious commenters affect his happiness and focus on being the healthy, handsome, and legendary idol that he truly is!

Source: Nate Pann

Super Junior

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