tvN Posts Apology Regarding Thumbnail On Recent Video For “Amazing Saturday” Featuring EXO’s Chanyeol

They posted an apology.

On July 30, tvN’s Amazing Saturday released an apology from the tvN video clip business team in regards to the subtitles on the video uploaded online.

Fans were disappointment in the word choice for the captions written on the thumbnail of the video which was a play on words to make it sound like a curse word in Korean.

The Amazing Saturday team posted the apology statement written by the tvN video clip team to their official Instagram along with their own message in the caption.

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tvN D 클립사업팀이 오늘 게시한 사과문입니다. 프로그램 하나엔 방송국 내 많은 부서가 협업을 하고 있습니다. 서로 이름도 모르는 경우가 많습니다. 그렇기 때문에 예기치 못한 상황에 예상치 못한 일이 일어나기도 합니다. 이는 단순 실수일 수도 무지에 의한 사고일 수도 가치관 차이에 의한 이견일 수도 있습니다. 놀토도 마찬가지입니다. 이젠 방영기간도 제법 됩니다. 그러다보니 이런저런 논란이 있었고 또 앞으로도 피해갈 수 없을 것입니다. 하지만 그럴 때마다 빠르게 조치하고 재발을 방지할 수 있는 시스템을 갖춰가며 무해한 예능으로 오래동안 웃음을 드릴 수 있도록 늘 최선의 노력을 다하는 제작진이 되겠습니다. * 해당 사과문은 놀라운 토요일 제작진의 의견이 아니기 때문에 이 게시글은 3일 뒤 삭제하겠습니다

A post shared by 놀라운 토요일 – 도레미마켓 공식계정 (@amazingsat_official) on

They started by explaining the background of the broadcasting company and how different sectors are in charge of different parts of a TV program.

This is the apology statement posted by the tvN D clip business team today. There are many different teams and sectors at the broadcasting company for one program alone. There are many instances where we don’t know each other’s names. That is why there are times that unforeseen circumstances may arise. This could be due to an honest mistake or an intentional one and perhaps a difference in values as well.

They promised to take better action in instances like this in order to bring better quality entertainment contents to viewers.

It is the same for our program as we have been airing for quite some time now. So there have been some issues here and there and there could be more in the future that we cannot avoid. But we hope to work together in order to create a system that can take appropriate action when needed and continue to bring laughter through our program. *The current apology statement is not the Amazing Saturday teams’ opinion and will be deleted from our account after three days.

Below is the official statement released by the tvN clip business team:

Hello this is the tvN D Clip Business team. The video that was uploaded to the tvN D ENT YouTube channel featuring a thumbnail with a caption and EXO’s Chanyeol has been received negatively by viewers. This video in question was created and uploaded not by the Amazing Saturday team but rather the clip business team that takes the already broadcasted contents and re-edits them to post on YouTube.

They apologized to Chanyeol, viewers, and to the Amazing Saturday team for their wrongdoing and promised to work harder to edit and revise their content before posting it online.

The video thumbnail did not use the appropriate wording and was not properly confirmed by the editing team, thus releasing the content as is. Our clip team sincerely apologizes to EXO’s Chanyeol, all the viewers, and to the Amazing Saturday team for our actions.The mentioned clip has since been private and our team promises to go through stronger editing processes before releasing content. We will do our best to not disappoint our viewers and subscribers.

Fans felt that this apology statement did not seem genuine as it sounded more like the TV program did nothing wrong and it was all the clip editing team’s fault. What are your thoughts on this?

Source: newsen


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