9 Things You Shouldn’t Give Your Girlfriend on White Day, According to Koreans
White Day is just around the corner and if you don’t yet have a gift for your special lady, then we have a list of don’ts for you.
In Korean culture, Valentine’s Day is a day for men to feel loved and pampered with gifts, while White Day (which is exactly one month after Valentine’s Day), is a day for women to be showered with gifts and love.
Many couples stress about what they should be gifting the woman they love, especially since many of the gifts that are typically exchanged are often considered cliché or boring.
According to Koreans, this is a list of what NOT to get your girlfriend on White Day.
1. Candy Basket
Candy baskets may appear to be an extravagant symbol of love for the woman in your life, but many women find them to be quite a hassle to carry around and not worth the price. According to them, these baskets just look big and don’t have much substance, and are often referred to as “pretty garbage”.
2. Luxury Brand Handbags
It is a common misconception that women have an unreasonable obsession with luxury brand-name handbags and there is a surprisingly large number of women who find them to be overpriced. Receiving expensive gifts like this may also make your female companion think she has to reciprocate the favor by gifting an equally expensive gift. Finally, Korean women may also worry about whether or not they might be perceived as a materialistic person if they enjoy receiving gifts as extravagant as these.
3. Oversized Dolls
Many Korean women have expressed that they don’t like huge stuffed teddy bears, especially because they don’t have any space in their room to place them. They also don’t want to be seen carrying enormous teddy bears back to their homes. A further consideration is that they’re almost impossible to wash.
4. A Bouquet of Flowers
Flowers are the most conventional gift to give to women on Valentine’s Day or White Day, or any other day celebrating women. Flowers, however,die quickly if not taken care of or watered regularly. For many women, seeing a flower in their care die right before their eyes is a depressing sight.
5. Coupons/Gifticons
According to Korean women, coupons and gifticons (coupons that can be sent to your friends through Kakaotalk or other Korean social networking platforms) show that their partner didn’t put any effort or real thought into getting them a gift. Women would rather receive a physical gift that captures the essence of the relationship and shows that their partner really put a lot of thought and effort into the gift.
6. Lingerie
While there are women who can appreciate the gift of lingerie over anything else, many Korean women don’t appreciate receiving such a raunchy gift. Several Korean women have expressed that a lingerie gift is actually a “backwards” gift that satisfies the giver rather than the receiver.
7. Matching Couple Clothes
Matching couple clothes is also more of a mutual gift, so according to Koreans, this is not a great gift for White Day. Women recommend saving these gifts for days that celebrate a milestone in the relationship, especially because White Day is all about celebrating an individual!
8. Taking Her Gift Shopping
If a woman’s partner takes her shopping to choose her gift, it may upset her, as it shows that their partner was unprepared and didn’t put any effort or thought into the gift.
9. Jewelry That Isn’t Her Style
While women may love jewelry, they certainly don’t like receiving accessories they can’t ever see themselves wearing. Each woman has a distinct style of jewelry that she prefers, so if you don’t know what style your woman likes to wear, try to find something else that she’ll be sure to like. Otherwise, it’ll end up sitting in her jewelry box, never to see the light of day.
Are you ready for White Day?
Source: Insight