Filipina Fan Receives Special Gift From iKON’s Bobby

Best birthday present ever!

One lucky young Filipina girl got the best birthday present ever, a personal message from iKON‘s Bobby!


Scarlett Kramer is a huge fan of iKON and has a particular soft spot for Bobby. Her parents have posted numerous videos of her and her siblings jamming to “Love Scenario”. She seems totally in love with the song!


So how did this lucky girl get a special shoutout from the idol? Her father Doug Kramer sent out a message to Bobby hoping that he could do something for his daughter’s seventh birthday in November.


The message ended up reaching Bobby who decided to give her an early birthday present!


Scarlett loved the present so much that she sent a thank you video and told him that she loves him!


But it didn’t end there! Bobby replied to her message saying “I love you too”!


Now, THAT’s a birthday present!

Source: @iKON_Global and @dougkramer


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