GOT7 Jackson’s Biggest Complaint About Jinyoung Is That There’s Nothing To Complain About

It’s impossible to dis Jinyoung!

GOT7‘s Jackson has only one complaint about Jinyoung…that there’s nothing to complain about!


During Jackson and Jinyoung’s GOT2DAY episode, the show quickly turned into an all-out compliment battle with each of them pointing out each other’s strong points while showing off their strong bond.


With all the compliments flying around, Jackson seemingly changed gears when he called Jinyoung out for being mean!

You know you’re really mean and sometimes I feel like punching you.

— Jackson


While Jinyoung thought it might be because he likes to tease Jackson, Jackson went on to reveal that the biggest dis of all…

For teasing you?

— Jinyoung


Was that there was nothing to dis about Jinyoung at all!

The biggest dis of all is that there’s nothing to dis about you!

— Jackson


He’s just too perfect!

It’s just so frustrating. How can a man be so perfect!

— Jackson


Well, Ahgase would agree that Jinyoung, Jackson, and the rest of GOT7 are perfect but you can check out the compliment battle and Jackson’s “dis” around the 10-minute mark below:


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