This Is What Happens When You’re The Only Female Student In The Entire School

280 male students gathered to celebrate one female classmate’s 19th birthday!

19-year-old Wu Xun is currently the only female student enrolled in the marine engineering department at Shanghai Maritime University.


Wu Xun is bright and beautiful, with a cheerful personality. She never misses a class, ranks high academically, and is beloved by her peers.


On Wu Xun’s 19th birthday, 280 male students from all the school’s majors threw her a special celebration!


They gathered in front of the school to sing her “Happy Birthday”…


…and gave her a rainbow birthday cake!

There might be enough to share with everyone!


The university opened its doors in 1959, but did not permit women to take the marine engineering program until 2015. Three years have passed, but so far Wu Xun remains the only female student in her department.


Hopefully, Wu Xun’s enrollment and her classmates’ warm welcome will encourage more women to take the same program in the future.


Source: Dispatch
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