Here’s What You Need to Know About Traveling To Korea Right Now, As Explained By A Korean

She encouraged people to make the best choices for their health.

Korean vlogger Jina Kim has taken to her YouTube channel to explain what visitors to Korea can expect after the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) after many of her viewers asked her whether it would be safe to travel.

Source: Jina Kim/YouTube

Because Jina is a Korean living in Korea, she felt confident in giving a reasonable answer.

Source: Jina Kim/YouTube

She shared that the first thing she does every morning after waking up is to check the news on her phone and, at the time of filming the video, there were about 893 infected people in Korea.

Source: Jina Kim/YouTube

She goes on to say that, unlike America, Korea is a small country so it feels a bit more crowded and compact.

Source: Jina Kim/YouTube

According to Jina, schools in Korea postponed opening and the court also decided to close.

Source: Jina Kim/YouTube

You will see some Koreans, they’re still vlogging out there and they’re just enjoying and you’re going to feel like, ‘okay, it’s okay to go to Korea right now’, but no guys, I’ll show you the reality right now.

—Jina Kim

While some people have decided to carry on with life like usual, Jina urges everyone to be cautious and proactive in caring for their health. She shares that she’s been following her own advice and staying indoors to err on the side of caution.

Source: Jina Kim/YouTube

Jina also encourages everyone to be aware of current news when and if they travel.  In this case, she specifically mentions the Korean Air flight attendant who was revealed to be ill with the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Source: Jina Kim/YouTube

Jina’s advice is practical and definitely deserves some thought. What do you think about what she had to say?

Jina’s video is just over 20 minutes long and has a lot of information in it, so be sure to check it out if you want to know more about what’s currently going on in Korea.

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